Podcast Interview on 'A Well Designed Business'!!

So many great things have come from attending the Design Bloggers Conference in L.A., like being able to connect with some pretty amazing ladies like Claire, Bria, Meredith, and Doreen.  We're all sharing our homes with you throughout April and May as part of a #SpringIntoHome series - if you've missed out on the posts so far, you can find them here

LuAnn Nigara of 'A Well Designed Business' podcast

LuAnn Nigara of 'A Well Designed Business' podcast

But, I have to say, one of my favorite things that has come from the Design Bloggers Conference was meeting one of the panelist speakers, LuAnn Nigara.  LuAnn hosts 'A Well Designed Business' podcast - one that I've listened to quite regularly for the last year or so and thoroughly enjoy.  LuAnn interviews interior design professionals and other industry experts, providing valuable tips and strategies to help interior designers run profitable, efficient businesses.  LuAnn is a sharp business woman and has a great sense of humor so I know you'll love her speaking style.  You can listen to my interview with LuAnn through her website or through iTunes by searching for 'A Well Designed Business'.


  • the Design Bloggers Conference + why you should attend
  • the importance of networking, face-to-face if possible
  • forming authentic relationships with others in your industry
  • marketing your interior design business + how you can use a blog as a marketing tool 
  • her business degree + how it ties in well with managing an interior design business
  • starting an interior design business from the ground up + how to land your first projects without a developed portfolio
  • the 6-Six Step design process Kelsey uses for her projects


I'm also excited to announce that I will be guest blogging for 'A Well Designed Business' To The Trade blog, found here.  I'll be sharing things I'm learning through my journey in starting a new business and helping to answer many of the questions LuAnn receives from designers across North America who are starting brand new businesses of their own.  It's all about lifting each other up and if I can help someone by sharing the tips and strategies that I'm currently learning, I'm thrilled to be able to do that through LuAnn's platform.  Stay tuned for the first post for 'A Well Designed Business'!

I hope you enjoyed my interview with LuAnn and found some helpful tips or just enjoyed learning a little more about Farmer's Daughter Interiors!